Sunday, 10 January 2010

Alone's first review

Alone-2-copy-100x150 Just a quickie today to let everyone know that Alone has had its first review over at

Here is a quick preview of what Taliesin has said about Alone, but check out the site for the full review:

'Alone has a brutal edge, but not in the way one would expect. What Marissa Farrar does is to draw the brutality of domestic abuse around us – a violence, brutality and evil more pernicious, for being real, than any fictional vampires.' 'Serenity' 'lives with domestic abuse, and her plight, her loneliness maybe, draws Sebastian – a vampire. He cannot really help her, however, the book is about her own empowerment about her finding her own strengths.'

Taliesin then says ...'I started the book with an expectation of struggling, not because of any perception of the author’s skill and Marissa Farrar does prove herself as a solid prose writer, but because of the sub-genre I understood the book to be part of. I found myself enjoying the book and discovered a hard edge within the novel that I never expected.'

One thing Taliesin mentioned was an idea I came up with linking in Vampires and Werewolves and he said that he wished it could be explored further. This was a great comment 'cause it really got the brain cogs going. Alone's sequel 'Buried' is already well on its way, but maybe this route could make a promising third novel...Hmmm...We will have to see.

Overall, I am really happy with the review, but I wonder if the score is supposed to just be the starting point for negotiations...

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