Friday, 16 July 2010

Another great review for Alone!

Alone_2_copy[1] Just a quickie to say that Shellie, from the fantastic site, Layers of Thought, has done a review for Alone … and she loved it!  Yay!

Here is a snippet of her review;

‘This is a romantic, mildly horrific, urban fantasy – with some important real life aspects and concerns…Marissa Farrar does a fine job of showing the reader her character’s complexities in a easy and readable and page-turning manner.’

And you can find the rest of it here!

Thank you Shellie!


  1. Yay Marissa!! Shellie really knows her stuff so kudos to you!!!!

  2. See, Marissa. The word is getting out at what a wonderful novel you've got there. I know I wasn't just being's good! Really good!

  3. Fantastic review. Brilliant Marissa.

  4. Thanks everyone! It's wonderful that there are people out there who will take the time to write reviews for us. It's always greatly appreciated.

  5. It was a great read Marissa! Can't wait for the sequel! :)

  6. This is great! Good to hear the up-date.
