Friday, 11 June 2010

And the winner is….

(drum roll…)  Christi Corbett!  Congrats!  Email me your snail mail address ( and a copy of A Beautiful Lie will be heading your way.

Thanks to everyone else for entering and watch this space for more competitions coming soon!

On other news there is an interesting new sci-fi show starting.  It’s by the making of ‘Life on Mars’ and ‘Spooks’, both of which were great shows, so this one has promise.

TV - Tube Talk

And it looks like even Robert Pattison has got sick of the ‘softly-softly’ approach of Twilight.  He has announced that he wants the next instalment to be a hardcore saga for adults with sex scenes!  Sounds like a drastic improvement to me.

Twilight saga - Breaking Dawnimages1111

Finally, the first England game is tomorrow against the US.  Everyone has gone world-cup crazy at the moment and everywhere I look there are flags hanging, so I’ve hung one of my own!  Personally I think  everyone gets so excited about the world cup cause it gives us another excuse to drink copious amounts of beer (not that we need much encouragement as a culture). Anyway, I will be watching – obligatory beer in hand. 

I am going to go out on a limb and predict a two – nil win for England!

Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. Hope you enjoy your obligatory beer. Me, I will be enjoying my beverage of choice : ice tea. We blood couriers have to stay alcohol free for emergencies. Besides, I get into enough trouble sober. The thought of me drunk scares my drinking buddies so they have to have another beer. At least that's their excuse! Roland

  2. Robert Pattison, as a vampire, in adult sex scenes? oh Bram, BRAAAAAAM, what have we done? quick hand me a stake, oh, and some Aconitum....

  3. Stonerphonic - you made me laugh out loud this morning. Brilliant comment!
    Roland - I had to eat my words footie-wise... Beer or no beer, I suspect there were alot of sore heads yesterday morning!

  4. whew... glad i'm good for something!!!
