Tuesday 14 December 2010

Alone is now free—for three months only—and a new ebook!

After much market research, my publisher and I have decided to offer my vampire novel, Alone, as a free download over at Smashwords. The idea is to expose as a many people as posWhere the Dead Livesible to my work, and hopefully (she says, *fingers crossed*) gear people up for the sequel, Buried Alone, which will be released early 2011.


So, if you would like your free copy, just follow the links on the left to Smashwords, select which format you would like to read it in (I always find using the Kindle for PC app is the best) and get reading!


And, if anyone has already read, or plans to read Alone, please remember that reviews are always appreciated!


On other news, I have released a small (three) collection of short stories over on Amazon and Smashwords. They are three very different stories ranging from horror to fantasy, so I hope you will give them a look. The book is entitled, Where the Dead Live, and it’s available from Amazon by clicking here! It only costs a matter of pence, so why not give it a go!


  1. Moving, and shaking...and hopefully selling. Congrats.

    Check out my link here: (http://erincolelive.blogspot.com/2010/11/holiday-book-blog-catalog.html) I'd love to add you to the catalog!

  2. Thanks Erin! My plan is to flood the market so I can't get ignored! And I'd love to be in the catalog--I will email you!

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