Wednesday 24 November 2010

The Gracken by Lori R. Lopez

It's not often I stumble upon poets that I just absolutely LOVE, but I've recently had the good fortune of meeting Lori R Lopez via the Masters of Horror facebook page. She posted the following poem, and I just adore it and couldn't resist sharing it with everyone.
If you want to know more about Lori and read more of her work, you can find her at She would love to hear from you.

Now sit back and enjoy....


Six grackles on a limb once sat
To have a raucous bird-brained chat
Like magpie gossips they did sport
Then snoozed a bit with a sneerful snort
When just below them from the soil
A wickedness began to roil
And writhing upwards out of smirch
A peckish dauntling climbt the birch
This heathen gathered mass and crept
Up bark and branch to where they slept
The smudge begrudged them their sweet nap
And plucked most up in quite a flap
Drooling for these fickle bites
He gulped them down and set his sights
Upon the last who woke to glean
Himself alone, his pals unseen
And a monster they had conjured forth
Through gabbiness from malish pour'th
Of vicious rumors, slandrous spewl
These spouters summoned a pentaghoul
Five scowls he wore; five eyeballs glared
Five arms, five legs; five faces stared
Five birds he ate with fervent glee
The sixth, dessert would surely be
Licking lips, he reached a paw
To plunge the fowl down a single maw
This gracken had a case of greed
And six was more than he did need
The final bird held up a wing
To make him pause for one small thing:
"We made you mad, we made you mean
We made you brown and orange and green
We didn't make you such a glutton
And we forgot a shut-off button
So if you won't mind, I think I'll leave!"
The blackbird flew, to the gracken's peeve
And the monster slunk back in the dirt
His belly full but his feelings hurt.


  1. Loved it but kept thinking it would turn into a little pussy cat.

  2. I'm glad my birds entertained you! Marissa, you are so kind and sweet. I feel exceptionally honored. :)

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