Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Anyone else doing NaNoWriMo this year?

header Hi all, as my title states – I just wondered if anyone else is doing NaNoWriMo this year? It would be great to get a little personalised group together to support, whinge to, and egg each other on!

It’s my first time this year. To be honest, this time last year I had no idea what NaNoWriMo even was! Oh, how things have changed. When I look back to where I was a year ago, and where I am today, it does feel amazing. This time last year I had only ever sold one short story to a magazine, I had no idea about blogs or promoting yourself, and I had never worked with anyone else in the business.  Wow, how a year changes things. Now I have my finger in so many pots I am struggling to keep track of it all! I can only hope that this time next year I am looking back with the same amazement.

Anyway, back to NaNo. I plan to clear out the diary, write and schedule posts for the billion blogs I am involved with, and not edit or write anything else. I am going to attempt to write something completely different to my normal stuff. It is more women’s literature than anything else and is pretty commercial. But I think it is a great idea and I am really passionate about it (notice how I am not giving too much away – I am terrified that someone will write the novel before me!).

I figure if it is a complete disaster and all that happens is that I learn that I should just stick to what I am good at, well then I’ve only wasted a month doing it!

So let me know; are you doing NaNo this year? Want to stay in touch via a kind of mini blog tour? If so make sure you drop me a line!


  1. I'm doing NaNoWriMo this year too, Marissa. I don't think I've missed a year since I started it back in 2003. I'm there under my pen name of annikkawoods, which is pretty much my entire online identity these days. If you're after writing buddies, I'm always up for support and supporting others - especially if you're new to it and trying it for the first time.

  2. Wow, you're an expert then! Def up for writing buddies. I have yet to find anyone I know who is also doing it. How have your previous years gone? Have you got a blog site?

  3. Hey Marissa! I found you on #nanowrimo over on twitter, and I'll be doing NaNo this year too! (my sixth!) I've also created the NaNo Blogchain to help connect all of the bloggers who will be writing about their NaNo experiences this year. If you are interested in joining the info is here: http://stickynotestories.wordpress.com/2010/09/27/nanowrimo-blogchain/

    Happy Noveling!

  4. That's a fantastic idea and exactly what I had in mind. I've posted all the info and the link on my sidebar. I can't wait to get going now! Can we move it to October instead?! LOL!

  5. hehe, well you can always do a pre-NaNo novel! But that might burn you out for NaNo :P

    I think there is a gothnowrimo in October? Check the second link on the NaNo Bloggers Linky - I'm pretty sure that's where I saw it.

  6. Yep! I'm doing GothNoWriMo. It's coming up in a few days. It's a great way to warm up for NaNoWrimo. I've never written a gothic-themed novel before, so it's definitely going to be something fun and challenging for me. I will also be doing NaNoWriMo afterwards, so add me as a buddy if you want! I'm Knuxchan in the NaNo community.

  7. By the way, here's the official site for GothNoWriMo if you are interested: http://gothnowrimo.proboards.com/index.cgi

  8. Hey Knuxchan! Thanks so much for stopping by. I will definitely take a look at GothNoWriMo. Ironically I am not planning to write a gothic novel this time, but I am always keen to meet other gothic writers! And thanks for the follow!

  9. Count me in as a first timer, although I did write a novel in a month last year just to prove I could do it.

    Am joining Stickynotesstories blog hop.

  10. That's great Wendy! I guess you can let the 'no social sites' thing slide for this one! ;-) It's good to have someone else who is a first-timer as well. Everyone else has been doing it for years!

  11. Can someone help me understand this? What is all this rushing to write a novel in a few days...is something on fire? I'm sort of a noob here, so can someone tell me what that's about?

  12. It's more about the support and the motivation as anything else! I don't have any trouble writing novels (I currently have seven completed m/s under my belt), but I thought it sounded like fun!

  13. I'm doing Nanowrimo this year for the second time. Last year I completed the first draft of a novel which is now almost finished, and is for 9-12 yr olds. By some amazing piece of luck, I had a publisher contact me who wants to see it when it is finished. This year I have three ideas in my head and I'm going to have to decide on 1st Nov which one to go with... not really a planner. My username is Remin.

    MkCrittenden sometimes you need something like this to get things done. I have been saying that I want to write a novel for years but with 3 small children I needed to sign up and think "now is the time" to actually do it. I had a 2 year old at home full time last year. It was a miracle I made it to 50k words, I have to admit.
