Friday, 15 April 2011

More Stories for Your Buck!

 A few months ago I released a few of my short stories as the ebook, Where the Dead Live. Despite my New Year's resolution not to write any new stuff (and focus on getting out the manuscripts currently languishing in my laptop), a few short stories bugged me enough that they had to be written.

It seemed such a shame not to have them included in my little collection, so I've now relaunched Where The Dead Live, together with a kick-ass new cover (many thanks to author C.J. Ellisson for her fantastic font work!). The price is still the same (only $0.99) and is available from Barnes & Noble and Amazon.

So, you now get six stories for only 99 cents AND on top of that, I have included the first three chapters of my new novel, The Followers, which is set for a June 1st release!

Happy reading!

1 comment:

  1. Cool! I shall check it out tomorrow some time. Just don't forget all of us little people when you're a big shot, okay?

