Monday, 18 April 2011

The Liebster Awards!

I'm sharing some blogging love this morning, after having had it dished out to me this weekend by two of my fellow Masters of Horror and (soon to be, in the case of Blaze) Vamplit authors, Carole Gill and Blaze McRob. The Liebster award is given to those who have contributed to blogging and have less than 300 followers, and I'm very proud that not only one person thought to give it to me, but two!

Carole Gill in a fellow Vamplit author and her novel, The House on Blackstone Moor has recieved some amazing reviews. It's a classic Gothic tale of vampires, madness and love. I have yet to read it, but as soon as the paperback is available, I will be first in line to buy my copy! She also works tirelessly to support other authors and keeps us all thoroughly entertained on our MOH facebook page. So thank you, Carole.

Go check out her blog, Bloody Good Vampires!

I've only recently had the pleasure of meeting Blaze through our Masters of Horror connection, but I've quickly come to learn what a kind and generous person he is. He shares his time and offers so much support and praise to fellow authors on his blog Blaze McRob's Tales of Horror. Out of all the people he could have chosen, I'm honoured that he included me.

Aren't horror writers lovely people! Have a great week everyone...


  1. Congratulations and well deserved.

  2. Wow, thank you! Praise indeed coming from a multi-published author.
    Alone and the Dark Road are hugely popular and selling like crazy! I love your writing.
    You are a gifted author and busy mummy and I don't know how you do it! I get overwhelmed without young children!
    Thanks again, Marissa!

  3. Thank you for your kind words, Marissa. A lady of your talent deserves this award and more. Much more. I am very honored to be a part of such a wonderful family of talented writers. And, your blog is absolutely gorgeous and filled with all the right things.
