Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Some changes...

Well, by now you've probably noticed that I've had a bit of a revamp of the blog.
Truth be told I was kind of running out of space on my side bars for books and I needed to add a couple of pages. The old format I had wasn't working so well, as the pages were almost hidden, so I've ended up having a complete change around. I hope you like it!
I've also changed the name since instead of deleted the old Something Wicked blog, we've ended up going from strength to strength, adding a couple of new writers and quickly adding on any new followers to the one's we lost while the blog was 'taking a break'. In addition to that we also now have a facebook page where you can follow all of our movie and book reviews!
So I hope you like the new look. Any feedback please let me know. I always love to hear your thoughts!!!


  1. Hey, Marissa, this looks great!
    Just to let you know, I've placed your Something Wicked on Favorite Pages at my book's facebook page.
    Have a good one!
    Lorelei at http://loreleismuse-lorelei.blogspot.com

  2. It's a lovely new look!! Lucky you, running out of room on your sidebar for all the books you've written!!

  3. Looks good; easy to read and more importantly for my sorry *&^* pc, quick to load! I Liked the FB page and am adding your multitude of blogs to my roll :)

  4. Thanks for stopping by ladies. I always read and appreciate every single one of your comments!
