Monday, 14 December 2015

Kinking Up Christmas with Kay JayBee!

Today I'd like to welcome award winning erotica author, Kay Jaybee to my blog for a little festive kink! Take it away, Kay!

Kay Jaybee

I just love writing Christmas stories- not only because I adore the festive season, but because Christmas gives an added dimension to the world of kinky writing. Not only do we writers have all of the everyday things around us to sex-up and twist into the erotic- but all those delicious bits and bobs that only come out to play at Christmas.


What’s your favourite part of the Christmas celebration? Decorating the tree with tinsel, the heavenly aroma of cinnamon and fruit from Christmas cakes and puddings, the office Christmas party, a visit to Santa’s grotto, the expected presents?
Complete with a brand new story for 2015, Christmas Kink twists all of these festive traditions into six individual episodes of hot erotica that will leave you fanning yourself with the nearest Christmas card...

The things my imagination does with tinsel, wrapping paper, even a Christmas’s enough to make a good fairy blush! Although, perhaps not a naughty fairy!

Extract – Santa’s Little Helper

Jay gazed approvingly at her reflection in the tinsel-decorated mirror. The gold material shimmered as she turned from side-to-side. Cut to fit tightly against her chest, the bodice section gave way to an extremely short, almost tutu-style skirt, of the finest silvery gauze.
Her fingers trailed through the soft folds before she reached around to stroke the feather like wings that protruded from her back.
The fabric curtain was drawn back and the sales assistant drew a breath. ‘You are possibly the most beautiful fairy ever destined to top a Christmas tree.’ He pulled the ties tighter at the back of the bodice, forcing Jay to stand up taller. ‘You are also the sexiest.’ He pushed two exquisite high-heeled shoes towards her white-stocking-clad feet, enjoying the view as her tiny gold thong flashed in front of his eyes when she bent slightly to slip them on.
As a final touch he slid a delicate glittering tiara onto her short curled hair, and put a wand in her hand. ‘Now, all that’s missing is a smile.’
‘I am smiling.’
‘That’s not a smile, that’s the evil grin of a wicked slut who knows that every guy that claps eyes on you is going to be asking Santa Claus if he can screw you for Christmas.’ ...


Hope that whetted the appetite a little! If you want to find out what happened next, or you fancy dipping into the other stories; Decorations, Candy at Christmas, The Little Red Dress, If You Go Down to the Woods Tonight, or Cake Mix.... you can buy Christmas Kink from-
Amazon UK-

Many thanks for letting me pop by today!
Merry Christmas to you all!
Kay xx

Kay Jaybee was named Best Erotica Writer of 2015 by the ETO. Kay also received an honouree mention at the NLA Awards 2015 for excellence in BDSM writing.
Kay Jaybee wrote The Perfect Submissive Trilogy, (The Perfect Submissive, The Retreat, Knowing Her Place, Xcite 2011-14), The Voyeur, (Xcite 2012), Making Him Wait (Sweetmeats, 2012), A Sticky Situation (Xcite, 2013), Digging Deep, (Xcite 2013), Not Her Type (1001 NightsPress, 2013), and The Collector (Austin & Macauley, 2012).
Details of all her other work can be found at 
You can follow Kay on -

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