Monday, 28 September 2015

New Release from Ashe Barker - Guest Post

Hi Marissa, and thank you so much for inviting me over today to chat a bit about First Impressions. This will be my second release with Baronet Press, and I’m loving working with them again. Here’s the super-sexy cover they made for me.

I really enjoyed writing First Impressions, and it was something of an unusual experience for me because for once I knew how the story was to end right from the beginning. I usually know how I want to start and get that out of the way, then I play it by ear from there on. This time I had the plot clear in my head right the way through, and the book just sort of wrote itself.
First Impressions is a story about two people who at first sight seem to be total opposites but find they have much more in common than they imagined. Apart from learning about each other, they make some even more startling discoveries as they get to grips with Aidan’s home improvement project and find that the house has some secrets of its own.

Here’s the blurb for First Impressions

First Impressions can be deceptive.

Aidan Blake needs a plumber. Fast. His boiler is dead, his creaky old house crumbling around him. When his elderly neighbour recommends a local trader, George Mahon, Aidan jumps at the prospect of hot water and warm radiators.

But George, short for Georgina, is not exactly what he had in mind. He was expecting
something else entirely. A man for one thing, not the gorgeous single mother he finds in his house at the end of a long day of work.

Aidan turns out to be full of surprises too. Who would have imagined the smartly dressed businessman would have a BDSM playroom in his attic and a collection of whips and canes that makes George’s head spin. And her bottom clench, though that’s another matter entirely. What does a girl have to do to get to play with those toys?

Just ask, it would seem. As they enter into a professional and personal agreement which soon blossoms into a sultry, kinky relationship, George continues to be surprised by Aidan's kindness and generosity, not to mention his skill with a spanking paddle.

First impressions aside, the two begin to build something together. And while they peel back the layers to discover their hidden depths, the old house yields up the mysteries of its own secret past. They soon realise that at first glance, nothing is ever quite as it seems.  

Buy Links : Amazon US         Amazon UK

And an excerpt…
“Well, let’s see if we can widen your horizons then. Are you wearing underwear?”
“Yes, of course.”
“Take it off, please. And the tights if you are wearing any. But put your shoes back on. I like those.”
She stood and bent to reach the hem of her dress, then hesitated. “Are you going to watch me?”
“Most definitely. I wouldn't miss it.”
“Oh.” She seemed to find no further comment to make. She straightened, turned her back, and proceeded to remove her tights and knickers. She stepped back into her shoes and rearranged her skirt before turning to face him again. The discarded underwear was bunched in her fist.
Aidan held out his hand. “May I have those, please?”
She handed them over without a word.
“Thank you. Before we proceed I need to set out a couple of ground rules for you. Is that okay?
“Of course.” Her expression was wary.
“First, when we are involved in a scene together you need to be respectful at all times. That means you say please and thank you, and obey any instruction I give you without delay or argument. And you will refer to me as Sir.”
“Sir? Are you sure?”
“I am. Very sure. Is this acceptable to you?”
“What if I don't call you Sir?”
“Are you being defiant, George?”
“No, I didn't mean to. I just…”
“It’s okay. I'm not about to start threatening you with punishment spankings. But I would like you to accept and obey my rules for this, if you would please. And in return I will do all I can to live up to the respect you show me. Is that acceptable?”
She stood before him, chewing on her lower lip. It was an expression he’d seen on numerous previous occasions when he’d played with an inexperienced submissive. It was a sign she was acclimatising to her new situation, the relationship realigning. He waited, giving her time to adjust. At last. “Very well, Sir. I accept your terms.”
“Thank you. Now, I expect you have terms of your own to negotiate. Is that correct?”
“I’m not sure? Do I?”
“Earlier, this afternoon, you asked about having sex. That’s your call, George, and now is the time to make it. I’ll work within the boundaries you set. Similarly, if there is anything you really don't want me to do to you, any place you prefer not to be touched for example, you can tell me and I will respect it.”
Her expression now was one of dawning understanding. “This is you being Sir, isn’t it?”
He nodded. “It’s a part of it, yes. I intend to earn your trust, and deserve your submission. So, what are your terms?”
She chewed on her lip some more and dropped her gaze. Aidan shoved the tights and knickers he still held into his pocket, then stepped forward and took her face between his hands. He tilted her head back so she met his eyes again.
“Your terms, George?”
“It’s all right, all of it. Anything you want to do,” she whispered.
He smiled at her. “George, I know it’s hard, but I need you to be specific if you can. Say the words for me, please. What is it that’s all right?”
“I want you to fuck me.”
He smiled encouragement at her. “Okay, so far so good.”
“And, you can touch me. Anywhere.”
“Yes.” Her voice was stronger now, more positive. “Anywhere. I want you to make me come. If you would, please. Sir.”
His smile brightened. The words had just tumbled out, as though she needed to just say what he wanted to hear and get it over with. He understood her discomfort with the explicit demands he made. She would become accustomed to articulating her needs, in time. But right now it was new and unfamiliar, and very difficult for her.
He lowered his head and brushed her lips with his. “I already told you I would do that. And this too? May I kiss you?”
“Oh yes, please, please kiss me.”

More about me…
I’ve been an avid reader of fiction for many years, erotic and other genres. I still love reading, the hotter the better. But now I have a good excuse for my guilty pleasure – research.
I tend to draw on my own experience to lend colour, detail and realism to my plots and characters. An incident here, a chance remark there, a bizarre event or quirky character, any of these can spark a story idea.
When not writing – which is not very often these days - my time is divided between my role as resident taxi driver for my teenage daughter, and caring for a couple of dogs, two tortoises.  And a very grumpy cockatiel. 
I have twenty seven (at the last count) titles on general release with publishers on both sides of the Atlantic, and I have several more in the pipeline. All my books feature BDSM. I write explicit stories, always hot, but they offer far more than just sizzling sex. I like to read about complex characters, and compelling plots, so that’s what I write too. Strong, demanding Doms are a given, often paired with new submissives who have a lot to learn.
I have a pile of story ideas still to work through, and keep thinking of new ones at the most unlikely moments, so you can expect to see a lot more from me.

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