Monday, 14 November 2011

NaNoWriMo - Almost at the Halfway Mark!

Hi fellow NaNoWriMo peeps. How is November treating you? Are you racing on ahead with an amazing word count that makes your counterparts turn green with envy, or are you, like me, playing catch up?

So far, this month's been a difficult one for me. I've had the whole family down with a sickness bug, I've had our second car written off which means I've had to cut back on childcare for my youngest, and I've had no internet for a few days (although that last one probably helped my word count!). But hey, we've all got lives going on outside of the madness that is NaNo and the glorious idea of holing ourselves up inside our offices, bashing away at our computers with no interruptions from the outside world simply doesn't happen.

This morning I'm at 21K and I'm aiming to hit 23K (or just short of) by the end of the day. For those who don't know, my NaNo project is the third book in my 'Serenity Series', 'Captured'. Because I plan to have this book out in the first quarter of next year, it's been important for me to make sure the book is in good shape the first time round. I haven't turned off my 'inner editor' as much as I did last year, but I think this is a good thing. I want to have 50K at the end of the month that I'm not going to need to edit 25K out of! For me, writing 25K of fluff simply isn't good time management!

'Captured' will be the last in the 'Serenity Series' but I am planning a YA spin-off series, using one of the characters from the 'Serenity' books. The first book has the working title 'Enchanted' and will be all things witchy! I've not written YA before so I'm hoping to hook up with some fellow YA writers as crit partners. I'll need to find my YA voice and release my inner angsty teen (believe me, she was never far beneath the surface, and I was the epitome of the angsty teen when I was younger). It's going to take some hard work on my part but I'm looking forward to trying something new. Who knows where a new direction will take me and  stretching my skills will only help make me a better writer.


  1. I'm at 41,408 now, my friend. This tale will need a lot more words, so I will have a novel of around 80,000 words ready to go. It's pretty clean, as well. My story people are doing a fine job. :D I was off to a horrible start with my hospital stay, but I've rebounded well.

    Sounds like you're doing great, Marissa!


  2. Grrr, Blaze. You're one of those people who leave me green! Seriously, though, huge congrats on doing so well, especially after the hospital stay. Mine will need to end up around the 80K mark as well, but that certainly won't happen this month!

  3. Hey, nothing says you have to do the 80,000 this month. You're doing great1

