Monday, 12 September 2011

Welcome author, Vincent Hobbes, and win a copy of his book!

 Hi Vincent ! Thanks for stopping by my blog and sharing a little about yourself and your work.  Let’s start with the most important thing: your books. Give us a brief description of the novel you want to talk about today.

V.H.  The book is called The Endlands. It is a short story collection written by twelve different authors (including myself). There are seventeen total stories. Each story is strange—with a twist. A carnival of the bizarre, if you will. So far, it has been well received by fans and critics.

M.F.  So what are you working on at the moment? Have you got any new projects in the pipeline?

V.H.  With the success of volume one of The Endlands, I’m currently working on volume two. We have a whole new batch of stories and the second volume promises to be even better than the first. I’m also currently writing a dystopian novel, and pecking away on a horror story, as well.

M.F. Is writing something you’ve recently got into, or have you been writing for ages?

V.H.  I’ve been writing most my life. In my teenage years, I knew i wanted to be a writer. Over the years I learned the craft, though I’ve only been writing professionally for about six years.

M.F. What do you make of the changes in the industry, with so many more people going ‘indie’?

V.H.  I think the changes are great for authors and readers. Authors are getting to share their work much more easily through eBooks and Indie publishing. This is perfect for the reader, as well. We are seeing so many books on the market that never would have seen the light of day. I have discovered some high-quality authors who are putting their work out there, and receiving great reviews, too.

M.F.  Who is your greatest influence when it comes to your writing?

V.H. Stephen King, Ray Bradbury, John Steinbeck . . . the list goes on and on. I like the diversity of these authors. King writes horror, science fiction, a little fantasy. Bradbury is also unique, and Fahrenheit 451 has always been a favorite of mine.

M.F. Stephen King says when he writes, it is for his wife Tabitha. When you write, is there anyone you are writing for?

V.H.  I’d say I write for my own sanity. It’s my therapy. When a story enters my mind, I must put it on paper or face sheer insanity. I write because I’m supposed to write. If I wrote for someone else, I don’t think it would be all that good.

M.F. What sort of books do you read yourself?

V.H.  Pretty much anything. I love dystopian and horror, and read bits of science fiction. I’ve been on a zombie kick recently.

M.F.  Now for some more abstract questions: If you could be any character in fiction, who would you be?

V.H.  Bob Lee Swagger, a character in Stephen Hunter’s novels. He’s a man’s man; he goes out there and he gets the job done. Hunter has created an interesting character with Bob Lee Swagger—a hero with flaws, which makes him so appealing.

M.F.  If aliens landed in front of you and offered you anything you wanted, what would it be?

V.H.  Ten thousand acres in Montana, my idea of freedom.

M.F.  Tell us something quirky/interesting that people probably don’t know about you.

V.H.  If I told you, it wouldn’t be a secret any longer.

M.F.  Haha, very well. Your secrets will remain safe!


Vincent has very kindly offered to give away a copy of his book, 'The Endlands' to one lucky commenter. All you need to do is leave Vincent a comment telling him what your favourite horror/supernatural novel is. A random winner will be drawn and announced right here so remember to leave your web or email address so we can get hold of you!

Good luck everyone, and Vincent, thanks for being here! If you'd like to know more about Vincent, you can visit his website

1 comment:

  1. Vincent writes for the same reason I do: sanity. I have to write a lot more, though, because it's slipping away.

    I love to see authors who enjoy reading many genres. As for Montana: great place to live!

    Wonderful interview!

