Tuesday, 10 November 2009

No longer 'desperatly seeking publication'...

I have been planning on setting up a blog for what feels like forever, but everything else (namely finishing whatever I was writing at the time) always seemed to take priority. In my head I had named my blog 'desperatly seeking publication', as the years and months were passing by and, with the exception of the occasional inquiry or short story sold, all I seemed to be collecting were rejection slips!
But finally all that has changed as someone has taken a chance on me and published one of my novels; 'Alone'. I will always be grateful to Vamplit Publishing for helping me get a foot on the publishing ladder and I hope that my book will do well and, most of all, that whoever reads it will spend a few hours in the company of characters they can love.
'Alone' was easily the fastest book I have written, though it is also, admittedly, the shortest. With my husband back in the UK I was spending every evening on my own with a glass of wine in one hand and a roaring fire beside me, so it was easy to get lost in the world of Serenity and Sebastian and the words came quickly. There were many evenings where the early hours of the morning were fast approaching and I literally had to force myself to switch off the computer. Even though I am naturally a night person, my two year old has no qualms about waking me whatever damn time she pleases!
Now the basis for 'Alone's sequel are taking form and it is lovely to go back to my characters - like revisiting old friends. I am, as of yet, without a title, but I am sure that will come. Like the characters in my books, I tend to find titles make themselves known to me without me needing to search for them.


  1. Hi Marissa you could go with an alphabetical theme for your novels. Maybe the next one could be 'Betrayed' and then perhaps 'Corrupted' . I know 'Alone' will do well as it's amazingly well written and such an intelligent, modern romance.

  2. Ooooh, I like Vamplit's idea for ABC sequels. Mine have an R theme: Release, Return, and Redeem.
